So many awesome things happened at Sheridan Beacons on Wednesday!
So now we begin our weekly tour or Beacons!
First, I stopped into our Movie Marketing and Design group. They are working on a Beacons commercial for the Talent Show. When I came in to the group today, they were working on Beacons values that they want to include in the commercial. I will post it after the Talent Show!

Next, I checked in with our Running group. This group of young people are logging minutes that they spend being physically active for the Medtronic Twin Cities Kids Marathon. They get to go to special events and even earn prizes for the minutes that they are active!
Here they are warming up

Then I went to check out the Guitar group. Ryan found these amazing guitars for our young people to learn on. They are learning all of the different notes and scales to play on the guitar. If things go as planned, the group plans to play a popular song at the Talent Show! I won't spoil the surprise by telling you which one!
Here they are practicing their scales

Our K-2 group has been learning all about health and fitness this week. They learned about hand washing, how to stay active, why to drink water, and the food pyramid. Here is the group learning about the food pyramid!

Next I went to Sci-fi. This group is working on lots of really cool projects this session! They have perfected the scientific method, so now they are ready to experiment! The group is going to experiment with Diet Coke and Mentos. Here they are researching the results from other Diet Coke and Mentos experiments. They are pointing out a video of the eruption.

The Grub Club made Special K bars on Wednesday. This Middle School group works on lots of cool cooking projects. This is a big group of dedicated middle schoolers who love to cook and taste their food!

This week, we had Beacons Riddles! We posted riddles on the wall, one for 3-5th grade and one for Middle School. Lots of our young people wrote their answers on pieces of paper and put them in a box, hoping to win a prize!

Wednesday was Earth Day, so the 7th and 8th grade academic group learned all about the history of Earth Day and ways to "green" your school. After they learned all of the information, they had a structured debate about Earth Day. They pretended that they were back in the 1970's and discussed whether or not the US should start observing Earth Day for the first time. Here is a shot of them learning all about Earth Day.

Next, I stopped into the computer lab to see the 6th graders. They were writing papers about the books that they were reading last week. Here you can see some 6th graders using their books to write a research paper.

Then I stopped by the Kindergarteners. They were making books, reading and working on their letter recognition. Here are some of the Kindergarteners working on their letters.

Then it was time to go. It is hard to believe that a month ago, we were standing in bus lines shivering...and now we dont even need our jackets! You can even see the bushes starting to flower. Yay for spring!

Well, that's it for another (Wednes)day in the life of Sheridan Beacons! Check back soon for more exciting updates!
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