Hello blog friends!
Happy Thursday! Its time for your weekly tour of Sheridan Beacons Center!
First, we go to the K-2 room, where we sang a bunch of songs today. Here is the group singing a rousing round of LaTouche!

Here is a shot from second base during a large group game of Big Base! It's like kickball, but more fun!

Next, I went up to the Y's Start group. They are doing Base Math, learning a new way to look at complex math problems. They do algebra level problems with these manipulatives, it's pretty cool.

I popped into the computer lab to check in on the Boy Scouts, but they were so into their work, that they didn't even look up!

The birds of Northeast Minneapolis are in luck...our first and second grade group made bird feeders, today!

Who knew dirt tasted so good? One of our K-2 groups made "dirt cups" today. But don't worry, it's only pudding, cookies and gummy worms!

Next, it was snack time...our amazing Junior Staff pass out snacks to all Beacons participants.

After enrichment activities and snack, it was time for academics.
Some Third graders read books

Our 7-8th grade group is working on research projects about animals of their choice. Some of the animals that they chose were ligers, dolphins, and monkeys.

It may look like our Kindergarteners are just coloring, but they were actually working on a literacy activity! They are working on the letters of the alphabet!

And before we knew it, it was time to go! Here is one of our groups coming out to the bus.

Thanks for checking in on us!
That's a (Thurs)day in the life of Sheridan Beacons!
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