March 17, 2009

Observational Activity

The warm weather yesterday made for a great outdoor activity that Hayley and myself came up with. Basically we took an observational neighborhood tour to get outside a bit and to use up some of that youthful energy that is bursting out of each of these young adults.

We walked around the school and I had the youth take notes on what they saw, ranging from street names, what billboards say, to different names of buildings and stores. After we walked for a half an hour or so, we went back inside to test how well they observed their surroundings with and without hints from myself.

Here are some pictures of our outside adventure.

Here are the girls taking notes

More observing

And the test and the end of the activity

There was a tie for first place, and the winners were.........(drumroll please)..........................I am waiting.................................................................................just please do a drumroll on the table so I can announce the winners............................................................................................................................

Darrian and Shalaya

These two were the winners but the others were very close, congrats and enjoy your prizes.


P.S. Here is a little video for you all to watch

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