Whew! I hope everyone had an awesome Winter Break! Sheridan Beacons is back in full effect! Look for more exciting blog posts in the future!
I wanted to update everyone on just one amazing thing that happened at Sheridan during Beacons Winter Break...The Blizzard Cup!!
Thanks to a grant from International Dairy Queen, our YMCA Beacons were able to participate in a Knowledge Bowl, aptly titled the Blizzard Cup!

Middle schoolers at Nellie Stone Johnson, Sheridan and Anne Sullivan/Anishanabe have been meeting weekly at their centers to practice. Each center's team had to brush up on their skills. The questions ranged across all subjects, like english, math, science and humanities. All the teams worked really hard!
After all the hard work, the three teams came together on December 17th at Sheridan.

Each team came up with their own names and showed up ready to rock!
The Anne Sullivan/Anishanabe "Beacons Nerds"

The Nellie Stone Johnson "Fighting Jaguars"
And the Sheridan "Mind Bombs"
And Dairy Queen didn't disappoint, either. They showed up with the Blizzards! YUM!!!

The surprises kept on coming! Fox 9's Chief Meteorologist Ian Leonard showed up to kick off the event. He talked to the youth a and even broadcasted live from the Sheridan auditorium!

Then the questions began...Each team sat at their own table with a buzzer in the middle. The team that buzzed in first got 15 seconds to answer the question correctly for a point. If that team could not answer in 15 seconds, then the next team got a chance to answer, and so on. Here is a shot of the teams seated at their tables, ready for questions!

The teams were playing for a few awesome prizes. Each youth participant got a medal, and each team won an awesome spinning trophy. The pictures don't do them justice! Then there were awards for the team who answered the most questions correctly in specific subjects (english, math, science and humanitites). And the winning team won $1,000 for their Beacon center!
After a few rounds of questions and a lot of excitement, the winning team was....

The Sheridan Mind Bombs! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!
Congrats to all of the teams! We can't wait until next time!!