First, Boyz 2 Men had a car wash fundraiser. The Boyz passed out flyers in the school and community to promote. They also made signs to promote on Broadway outside the school.
Here is Dallas taking a break from the sunny and tiring job of sign holding.

Here are some action shots of the Boyz working hard!

Here are some action shots of the Boyz working hard!

Then I stopped by the guitar group. They worked so so hard this session! They even learned one song so well that they performed it at the Talent Show! BUT on their last day, they decided to go the electric route. I'm not talking about electric guitars...I'm talking about Rock Band! It may not be exactly the same as what they learned, but they did rock out to lots of great songs!

Then it was time to go...can you believe it!?
These are photos of buses leaving on our last day of Beacons. All the staff came out to wave goodbye to our Beacons friends!

That's it for now...look for lots more to come!